Our Commitment
All children and young people who come to EverAbility have a right to feel and be safe. We are committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe and are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.
EverAbility will not tolerate harm, abuse, neglect and grooming, and are committed to acting in the best interests of children and young people, and keeping them safe from harm.
As a Child Safe Organisation, EverAbility will create conditions that will:
- reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people;
- increase the likelihood of identifying harm;
- be responsive to concerns, suspicions, allegations and disclosures; and
- enable children and young people to provide feedback or make a complaint relating to their experiences at EverAbility.
This is reflected in the EverAbility Child Safe Policy.
Our team commits to the principles in our Child Safe Code of Conduct.
National Principles
EverAbility’s Statement of Commitment to Child Safety has been designed to reflect the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
External Resources
For Parents/Carers
What is a child safe organisation? (link opens in a new tab)
Child safety and wellbeing links & resources (link opens in a new tab)
How to respond to disclosures of child abuse (link opens in a new tab)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Services (link opens in a new tab)
Why is it important to yarn with kids? – Lets Yarn (link opens in a new tab)
Yarning quiet ways (link opens in a new tab)
Kids Helpline I Parents (link opens in a new tab)
Online safety for parents and carers (link opens in a new tab)
Protective Behaviours I training and resources (link opens in a new tab)
For Children & Young People
Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800 (link opens in a new tab)
Online safety for children and young people (link opens in a new tab)
Feeling safe and respected wherever you are (link opens in a new tab)
Safer WA for Children and Young People (link opens in a new tab)
Strong Families Safe Kids – Call 1800 000 123 (link opens in a new tab)
Reporting concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child (link opens in a new tab)
Safeguarding Children and Young People – Tasmania (link opens in a new tab)